Who is who

The Keramiekmuseum Princessehof forms a joint organization together with the Fries Museum. In total there are about 50 employees, divided over 5 departments. You can find out who we are and what we do below.

Management /Supervisory board Princessehof & Fries Museum

Management assistant
Baukje Vis, b.vis@princessehof.nl, 058 - 255 55 02

Relations and funds

Head relations and funds
Liesbeth van Keimpema, l.vankeimpema@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 48

Employee partners and relations
Elisabeth van der Sluis, e.vandersluis@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 18

Events and sales

Employee events and sales
Fernanda Constandse, f.constandse@princessehof.nl, 058 - 294 89 52 / 255 55 16

Employee events and sales
Monica Gijsen, m.gijsen@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 84


Manager museumshop Princessehof
Janet van der Werf, j.vanderwerf@princessehof.nl , 06 - 538 329 75


Curator of European and Modern Ceramics (<1945)
Laura Smeets, l.smeets@princessehof.nl

Curator of Asian Ceramics (<1945)
Denise Campbell, d.campbell@princessehof.nl, 058 205 00 68

Curator of Modern and Contemporary Ceramics
Wendy Gers w.gers@princessehof.nl, 058 205 00 39

Teamleader conservation, management and knowledge management
Dirk Boomsma, d.boomsma@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 87

Public & Presentation Princessehof & Fries Museum

Head presentations and public affairs
Annemarie Lavèn, a.laven@princessehof.nl, 058 – 205 00 34

Projectmanagement exhibitions
Lisa Klompe, l.klompe@princessehof.nl, 058 - 255 55 05

Projectmanagement exhibitions
Irene Kromhout, i.kromhout@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 16

Project information exhibitions
Grytsje Klijnstra MA, g.klijnstra@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 70

Project information exhibitions
Rianne Kramer, r.kramer@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 70

Programmer activities & events
Josine Zuidema, j.zuidema@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 14

Employee marketing & communication
Anne-Sophie Scholtens, a.scholtens@friesmuseum.nl, 058 - 255 55 00

Employee marketing & communication
Janke Vlas, j.vlas@friesmuseum.nl, 058 - 205 00 64

Web, social media and research
Kirsten Dijkstra, k.dijkstra@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 61

Heritage education
Mariska de Boer, m.deboer@princessehof.nl, 058 - 294 89 60

Arts education
Inge Hekman, i.hekman@princessehof.nl, 058 - 2 948 966

Teamleader housing en presentations 
Daniel Hoogterp, d.hoogterp@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 23

Business operations

Head business operations
Richard Pel, r.pel@princessehof.nl, 058 - 255 55 15

Coordinator facilities & presentation
Luitzen Schaafsma, l.schaafsma@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 03 99

Bookings and reservations education
Tineke Burmania, t.burmania@princessehof.nl, 058 - 294 89 58 

Manager museumshop Princessehof
Janet van der Werf, j.vanderwerf@friesmuseum.nl , 058 - 29 48 957  

Finance & Control Princessehof & Fries Museum

Senior employee finance & control
Richard Reitsma, r.reitsma@princessehof.nl 

Senior employee finance & control
Rienk Baron, r.baron@princessehof.nl

Employee finance
Marianne Diallo, m.diallo@princessehof.nl

Human Resources Princessehof & Fries Museum

Head staff and organization
Karin Vermeulen, k.vermeulen@princessehof.nl, 058 - 205 00 04

Senior employee staff and organization
Marjanne Berger, m.berger@princessehof.nl, 058 - 294 89 58 / 255 55 09

Employee staff and organization
Regina Nuijten, R.Nuijten@princessehof.nl, 058 205 00 25

Supervisory board Princessehof & Fries Museum

de heer drs. H. Apotheker, voorzitter      
de heer A. de Jong
mevrouw R. van Wijk-Russchen RBA
de heer T. Vermeulen
mevrouw drs. L.W.J.M. Janssen
mevrouw drs. S. Laverman

Mailing address
Postbus 1239
8900 CE Leeuwarden (NL)
Visit address
Grote Kerkstraat 9
8911 DZ Leeuwarden (NL)

+31(0)58 2 948 958

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday
from 11.00 to 17.00

© Keramiekmuseum Princessehof - all rights reserved | disclaimer