Korean exhibition

Panel members
Korean exhibition

Panel Members for the Korean Exhibition

The Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics in Leeuwarden is currently organising a major Korean exhibition that will open on 16 October 2021. The museum wants to create a sounding board group consisting of members with a Korean background. People who were born in Korea, or who have parents or grandparents who were born in Korea, or who feel connected to the country and culture, are invited to respond to this call. The group of 8 to 10 people will get a unique look behind the scenes in addition to exclusive presentations by the curator. The sounding board group is partly responsible for the realisation of a major exhibition. The Princessehof received an overwhelming amount of reactions on their open call for group members. Applicants can no longer sign up.

The panel members think along with us and give feedback on the plans for the exhibition, from content to design and from marketing to peripheral programming. As a thank you for participating, the museum offers various extras, such as free tickets to the exhibition for friends and family, free participation in the activities, an invitation to the VIP opening, a copy of the exhibition catalogue and more. The sounding board group will be called upon 3 to 4 times from February to May 2021. Travel expenses (within the Netherlands) will be reimbursed and refreshments will be provided. Of course we adhere to the RIVM’s Corona measures but whenever possible the meetings will be held on location in the museum in Leeuwarden.

The Princessehof put together a diverse panel that represents different ages, professional groups and backgrounds.

National Museum of Seoul and Ethnology

In the exhibition, the Princessehof unveils a rich and centuries-old culture. We retrace Korea’s long history, in which ceramics have always played an important role, to upend the cliché image of this country. Themes such as food culture, beauty ideals and rituals are highlighted by means of masterpieces from the National Museum of Korea in Seoul and the Museum of Ethnology in Leiden.


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